Add:Economic Development Zone, Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng, China

Composition: Each 500gm contains:
Yeast 4.90g
Beneficial bacteria 108 i0u
Liver Extract 3.25g
And vitamins, Minerals and Amino acids
Carrier ad--------500gm
Description :
- Amino acids, Vitamins and Minerals: Maintain the nutritional balance.
Prevent nutrinational deficiencies and mortality of the Flock
- Improve flock intestinal health, resulting better feed efficiency, FCR, and weight gain.
- Improve size ,thickness, production and quality of egg.
- Control and Prevent the cytotoxin free radical action and improve the defense system.
Benefit: Blasto Grow has high stimulation effect on performance of productivity such as
improve egg production, increases growth, improves feed conversion and used as prophylactic
supplement during periods of diseases and stress.
Dosage and Administration:
Layer :
100gm mix with 100 kg feed in conjunction with 5 days.
100gm mix with 100 kg feed in conjunction with 5 days.
Breeder :
200gm mix with 100 kg feed in conjunction with 7-10days.
100gm mix with 100 litter of drinking water in conjunction with 5 days.
Withdrawal Period: No withdrawal Period
Not recommended for human, Animal use only. Keep out of reach of children.
Store in cool and dry place, protect from direct sun light.
Package: 100g /1kg/5kg /25kg