Add:Economic Development Zone, Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng, China

Product Name: Vitamin B Complex Injection
Main ingredients: Vitamin B1, Riboflavin-5′-phosphate sodium, Vitamin B6
Pharmacological action:
Vitamin B complex belongs to be a regulator of tissue metabolism.
Vitamin B1 plays an important role in maintaining the normal function of nervous tissue, heart and digestive system. In the absence of vitamin B1, pyruvate and lactic acid will increase in the blood,and it will affect the body's energy supply. Poultry and young livestock will appeare polyneuritis, cardiac dysfunction, indigestion, stunted growth, etc.
Vitamin B2 is an integral part of the flavin enzyme cofactor of the body. Flavin enzyme plays delivery of hydrogen role in the biological oxidation reduction, flavin enzyme is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fat in the body, and it has an important influence on the nutrition of the central nervous system and capillary function.
Vitamin B6 generates with physiological activity of pyridoxal phosphate and phosphate pyridoxine by the enzyme in the body, they are coenzyme of aminotransferase, decarboxylase and racemase, involved in metabolism in amino acids, protein, fat and carbohydrate. In addition, vitamin B6 also plays an important role in the process.
This product is used for the prevention and treatment of polyneuritis, digestive disorders, pellagra, stomatitis caused by vitamin B deficiency.
Usage and Dosage:
Intramuscular injection:
Horse,cattle: 10~20ml, one time.
Sheep,swine: 2~6ml, one time.
Dog, cat, rabbit: 0.5~1ml, one time.
Adverse Reactions:
This product is used according to the recommended dose, the adverse reactions have not been found yet.
Precaution: No regulations
Withdrawal Period: No
Specification: 100ml : Vitamin B1 1g, Riboflavin-5′-phosphate sodium 0.137g,
Vitamin B6 0.1g
Packing: 100ml/bottle,80bottles/carton
Storage: Avoid light, sealed, cool and dry place
For veterinary use only
Manufacter : Inner Mongolia Huatian Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
For veterinary use only.